Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Project Based Learning FUN! Oh yes, FUN for all!

Today we participated in a project based learning workshop led by Steve Waterman and Robert Miller.  Let me give you a little background on these fabulous men!  Steve Waterman was the creator and coordinator for the Project Tides grant.  Steve is Osceola Elementary's Teacher of the Year.  He provided professional  development to teachers at 5 Volusia Schools on how to integrate Apple products and Web 2.0 tools into daily instruction.  Teachers at these 5 schools then collaborated with one another to share student learning. YES that is what this blog is all about!  Robert Miller teaches 5th grade Gifted at Port Orange Elementary.  He is a Distinguished Apple Educator and recently a Google Educator.  He uses Edmodo and video production to enhance his daily teaching and project based learning approach.

If you teach in elementary school you might have seen the Science Probe books floating around your school.  If not you might want to find out who has them and get your hands on them quick.  Each probe starts with a lead in, question, or scenario to get one thinking.  You will then need to think and answer and explain your thinking.  Background information is provided to help with misconceptions and suggested prior knowledge. Robert created a Science Probes Edmodo group for his students.  Instead of printing and answering the worksheets he has created videos to capture attention and use the poll component.

We were to create our own video using our iTouch, MacBook, and iMovie for video editing. You have to check it out below.  We had the best time listening to Robert and Steve and soaking in their knowledge.  They were so creative and informed in how to motivate students, understand their thinking, and where to take them next.  I know I will look for these books at my school and encourage the concept.  I want to make more videos and add them to my youtube channel.  Yes, we even learned how to create a youtube channels to house our videos.  Just think if we made videos and shared them across grade levels...  Just think if you saw them and loved them but didn't have the Apple hardware...well if we collaborate we all win!

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